Member-only story

My First CodePens

And why you might consider joining this community

Constantin Stan
4 min readJul 6, 2020

Why did I join?

CodePen came on my radar when the Flutter functionality was added in.

Until that moment, for me, it was just one of the many HTML/CSS/JS code snippets interpreters out there and didn’t pop out of the crowd.

I didn’t jump right in because I was using DartPad for quick tests of Dart/Flutter code snippets.

In case you don't know, Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

CodePen recently announced a month of Flutter challenges and I like being challenged. There are 4 in a month (1 each week) and touch increasingly complex topics of a chosen subject. This month that subject will be Flutter, the first topic will be around the Stack widget, and the 6th of July 2020 will be the start date for these challenges.

You can share runnable pens (a pen is a runnable code snippet) within Medium and that will help me provide more engaging content. Using this, I can spice things up in my Fluttering Dart series. Its goal is to get someone up to speed with Dart, the programming language that makes Flutter possible.

Next to Flutter, and the HTML/CSS/JS trio, you can also create Vue pens.

The platform provides access to a community of like-minded professionals that can appreciate a useful/wow…



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